
If you’ve ever been to a Disney theme park, you may have taken a trip on the “Soarin’ Over California” attraction. It’s an immersive, simulated hang gliding flight over the American West Coast. You feel the wind rush by you, your seats tilt and sway in harmony with the screen in front of you, you […]

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Endings and Beginnings

On April 29, 2017, I visited the Georgia Institute of Technology for the first time. I had just heard from the school that my application was accepted, meaning I would transfer in the upcoming fall semester. My family and I visited the school with a friend who had graduated a few years prior; he was

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Day Two

I spent a lot of time in 2019 meditating on the resurrection of Jesus. I know of no other word in the English language that singlehandedly contains the story of the gospel – life, death, and life again. I revisit it every so often because confining the memory of Jesus’ resurrection to one Sunday a

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Funeral Sermons

A few Sundays ago, I found myself talking to a friend at church who happens to be in seminary. She told me about her current assignment: write a funeral sermon for someone you know. It was an unusual but valuable task. How do you distill what truly mattered about a person’s life into a handful

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Restoring a Dutch Oven

Cast iron cookware is the greatest cookware on the planet. There, I said it. I received my first cast iron skillet shortly before leaving home for college. I was an ignorant novice and completely failed to properly maintain it. I ended up with a sticky, gunky mess at the bottom of my skillet that left

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Road to Sub-15

I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions. The concept is simultaneously noble and flawed, brilliant and defective. As humans, we know we are capable of (and require) constant growth and improvement. We rarely make a conscious effort to change, though. That’s why January 1 is such a tantalizing reset button. This iteration is perhaps even

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Solving Phun-bos

If you’ve met me, you know I like space. The infinite nature of the universe, our smallness in comparison, the unending possibilities of discovery. You also know I like Rubik’s cubes. On a smaller scale, the cube is equally infinite. There are over 43 quintillion permutations of the 3×3 cube, a set of possible states

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Cubing Data Analysis

I like solving Rubik’s cubes. I have one within 20 feet of myself at all times (a bit of an exaggeration, but pretty close to the truth). Here’s a picture of me with Erno Rubik, the inventor of the cube! He’s a very nice person. Anyways, I’ve been solving for years, and I finally asked

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